Put a leaderboard on your game in minutes!
No personal information required.
All functions process via HTTPS.
Use it across many gaming platforms.
Click the submit button below to generate a new leaderboard.
Setting up and using a leaderboard is extremely straight forward. On creation simply specify whether a higher or lower score is better and submit to generate unique private and public keys.
The private key is used to submit and clear scores. It should be kept secret and apart from testing, used only from within your game.
The public key can only access the read only functions for getting score data. This could also be used on your website to display the leaderboard for example.
There are just a handful of web requests required for submitting and retrieving score data. See below.
IMPORTANT - In order for the leaderboard to work correctly each player must be named uniquely. Therefore I recommend (as per my own usage and the code examples) passing the device unique identifier as the id parameter.
A player called zero2won got a score of 50. https://zero2won.net/{private_key}.AddScore?id=unique_id&name=zero2won&score=50
Delete the score for a specific player by their unique_id. https://zero2won.net/{private_key}.DeleteScore?unique_id
Clear all scores in the leaderboard. https://zero2won.net/{private_key}.ClearScores
Get the score data for a specific player by their unique_id. https://zero2won.net/{public_key}.GetScore?unique_id
Returns the entire leaderboard up to 1000 scores. https://zero2won.net/{public_key}.GetScores
Get the top 10 only (this number can be anything up to 1000). https://zero2won.net/{public_key}.GetScores?10
Get the specific range 50-100 only (the range can be anything between 1-1000). https://zero2won.net/{public_key}.GetScores?50-100
The scores are returned pipe (|) delimited in the following format:
What's all this and who are you? I am a developer in the UK and I started learning Unity during the Covid-19 lockdown. I implemented native achievements and leaderboard but soon noticed issues with reliability and dependencies etc. Both technical and user related. So, I created this leaderboard service for my game and thought I would share it via the asset store.
Why use a 3rd party leaderboard? Having a 3rd party leaderboard in your game means players can compete across multiple gaming platforms. You can still use a native implementation in parallel as I do, to handle achievements etc.
Will it always be free? Unfortunately I don't have a crystal ball but I believe so yes. Providing hosting costs don't go through the roof for some reason. You could always donate if you want to help out ;)
How do you manage player names? As mentioned in the "how does it work" section, a leaderboard requires unique identifiers per player but the name can be anything. For my implementation I ask the user to specify a name on first run and pre-populate the text box with the local user name if logged in, or the device name if not. Each score submission updates the name field too, so you could also provide a way for the player to change name later on.
What if something goes wrong? All errors generated by the web handlers are sent directly to my email. Any issues will be looked at as soon as I can. Afterall it would affect my games too.
This service is offered free of charge. If you feel like buying me a beer for helping you out though, I would appreciate it.